Ongoing Restoration at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence


The Uffizi Gallery will double in size this year with the opening of the newly revived first floor. Work is now underway to expand what is being called the “New Uffizi”, which will allow the museum to bring out hundreds of masterpieces now being kept in storage. The number of works art on display will expand to 2000 from the present 1200.

The giant Laocoon marble restoration that is now underway will be able to be viewed by visitors as it progresses. Because the marble group cannot be moved the process is very complex, requiring a temporary worksite and sophisticated tools. Visitors will be able to see the ongoing work through a clear glass window.

Restoration of tapestries woven of wool, silk, silver and gold threads depicting the Valois festivals staged at the French court of the Queen Catherine de Medici is progressing. The New Uffizi project is allocating a room with proper light, humidity and temperature for a rotating exhibition of these 8 splendid tapestries as each one is restored.

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