Prada Factory Outlet

Prada aka I Pellettieri d’Italia
Localit Levanella, 52025
Montevarchi (Arezzo)
Tuscany, Italy.

The Designers of Madonna,
Monica Bellucci, Isabella Rossellini, Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie, amongst others who are also known
to wear Prada and Gucci and
Dolce & Gabbana
you may also be interested in other Factory Outlets in the
area and around Italy

How to find it
Directions: The exit off the autostrada is Valdarno (Montevarchi), the town is Levanelle, the landmark to look for is the 2nd IP gas station opposite a factory building with a sawtooth roof.

Look for signs for I Pelleteria d’Italia. Take a number and wait. Avoid the weekends. Closed: Sunday morning. You can also take a train from Florence to Montevarchi (35 minutes) and then a cab.

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